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I’m a sales at a french saas software company for the belgian market. After 2,5+y I’m thinking of making a change as my targets have always been overachieved and I’m currently 4th best sales in EU market (out of 30+ sales). Problem is I don’t feel the recognition (I think)I deserve. My variable is pretty high, but only reason being is bc I’m getting my OTE so I deserve it. As I started I could understand I had to prove myself, but now I think I should deserve a bit more. Also thinking about those US software companies looking for belgian sales, those numbers are crazy... I’m a bit lost and want to know what a good next step could be in my career.


  • Age: 26
  • Education: bachelor communication
  • Work experience : 5 years from which 2,5+ at current employer
  • Civil status: single
  • Dependent people/children: 0


  • Sector/Industry: SaaS / IT
  • Amount of employees: 14 in Belgium, group 500+
  • Multinational? No


  • Current job title: account manager
  • Seniority: 2,5+ years
  • Official hours/week : 38 Real hours/week
  • Average real hours/week incl. overtime: 38-45
  • Shiftwork or 9 to 5 (flexible?): 9 to 5
  • On-call duty: no
  • Vacation days/year: 21, would like more


  • Gross salary/month: 3000 euros/month gross fixed salary, including commissions average 8200 euros/month gross
  • Average net salary/month (incl. net fees): average net incl. commission 4049 euros/month net
  • Netto compensation: 0
  • 13th month (full? partial?): full
  • Meal vouchers: 8 euros
  • Ecocheques: 500 euros per year
  • Salary car/bike and/or fuel card: company car with fuel card
  • Group insurance (% employer): yes, 79 euros
  • Other insurances: Dkv hospitilization
  • Other benefits (bonuses, stocks options, ... ): phone and


  • City/region of work: whole of Belgium
  • Distance home-work (km's/time): 30 mins
  • How do you commute? Car
  • How is the travel home-work compensated: not
  • Telework days/week: sales so only once a week in the office


  • How easy can you plan a day off: easy
  • Is your job stressful? The low fix salary makes it sometimes stressful
  • Education possibilities: none
  • Responsible for personnel (reports): no

I know it’s good money and regarding my age it’s difficult to get more maybe. Things that just anoy me are no grow possibilities, low fix salary and few days off. I just think I’ve a nice track record and I could maybe make a bit more at other companies with bigger fix salary.

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