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  • Age: 27
  • Education: Master Business Economics
  • Work experience : 3 years, first job
  • Civil status: Single
  • Dependent people/children: None


  • Sector/Industry: Pharma
  • Amount of employees: >10.000
  • Multinational? Yes


  • Current job title: Customer Service Representative
  • One sentence job description: I'm in charge of processing orders, resolving errors and communication with stakeholders while making improvements in processes.
  • Seniority: 3 years
  • Official hours/week : 39.5 hours/week
  • Average real hours/week incl. overtime: +-20 hours
  • Shiftwork or 9 to 5 (flexible?): "9-5", flexible depending on #issues and scheduled meetings
  • On-call duty: /
  • Vacation days/year: +-36


  • Gross salary/month: 3569
  • Net salary/month: +-2350 (incl. bike fee +100 and bike lease -75)
  • Netto compensation: 0
  • Mobility budget/car/bike/...: 0
  • 13th month (full? partial?): Full
  • Meal vouchers: 5.7 EURO
  • Ecocheques: +-250/year (eco and consumption cheques combined)
  • Group insurance (% salary/% employer): not sure, there is about 2K additional pension now
  • Other insurances: Hospitalisation, additional "ambulate", death insurance
  • Other benefits (bonuses, stocks options, ... ): Cash or stock option: 60-160% of 5% yearly salary (company and personal performance)


  • City/region of work: Brussels
  • Distance home-work (km's/time): 20km/40minutes
  • How do you commute? Bicycle
  • How is the travel home-work compensated: Bicycle compensation of 0,27/km
  • Telework days/week: Max 2.5/weeks (slow increase from 0 to 1 to 2 to 2.5)


  • How easily can you plan a day off: Easily, needs to be aligned with colleagues
  • Is your job stressful? Not really, although orders can have high value >1M$
  • Education possibilities: None, Degreed platform
  • Responsible for personnel (reports): 0

Personal note: process has become very automated due to implementation of new tools and using them to the max, causing actual work time to be quite low, especially if no errors take place (some colleagues feel the same, others still manage to overwork themselves somehow). Managers thinks I do a great job. Job itself is not challenging, not using any of my academic skills and not really developing new skills. >2K/month for only 20 hours is nice, especially seeing some people work a lot more for only a few 100's more. Is it even worth it? Currently lots of time for exploring new hobbies, chilling and the regular life duties during worktime. Would you take on more projects, look for other opportunities, enjoy the free time or something else maybe?

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