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I want to motivate marketeers to post here there salary aswell.

  1. Personalia
  • Age 25

  • Education: Graduaat Marketing & Communication

  • Work experience: 2 years

  • Civil Status: Single as fuck

  • Dependent/ children: None

  1. Employer profile
  • Sector/ Industry: Medical & safety equipment supplier

  • Amount of employees 16k

Multinational? Hell yeah

  1. Contract & conditions
  • Current job title: Digital Marketing executive

  • Seniority: 2 years

  • Official hours/week: 39 hours/week

  • Average real hours/ week: 30 hours, no weekends work

  • Vacation days/year: 20+6 ADV = 26 total days

  1. Salary
  • Gross salary/month: 2850

  • Average net salary/month (incl fees): 2100

  • no netto compensation

  • 13th month: Full

  • Meal vouchers: No 😢

  • Ecocheques: 250/year

  • Salary car/bike en or fuel card: No

  • Extra legal benefits: Hospitalisation insurance DKV, business phone, home office compensation 47 euro/ month. No managers or CEO on your ass all the time. Quitte free and pleasant workflow.

  • Other benefits: company bonus 1500 euro/ bruto/ year. If the goals are obtain.

  • City/ region of work: Brussel

  • Distance home-work (time): 5 minutes

  • Travel home- work compensation: Yes

  • Telework days: Yes, max 2 per week. They are flexible.

  1. Other
  • How easy can you plan a day off: Easy

  • Is your job stressful: No, cuz ima G

  • Education possibilities? Yes, if needed.

  • Responsible for personnel: No

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