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Rate my salary - Teamlead / Senior Fullstack developer

Curious to know what people think.


  • Age: 33
  • Education: Bachelor nMCT
  • Work experience : 11 years in total, 2 years at current company
  • Civil status: -
  • Dependent people/children: -


  • Sector/Industry: HR / IT
  • Amount of employees: ~10
  • Multinational? Yes
  • Region? Belgium, West-Flanders


  • Current job title: Fullstack Developer
  • Seniority: 11 years
  • Official hours/week : 39
  • Average real hours/week incl. 38 - 40
  • Shiftwork or 9 to 5 (flexible?): 9 to 5 (flexible)
  • On-call duty: every Tuesday
  • Vacation days/year: 21 + 6


  • Gross salary/month: ~ 2850 euros
  • Average net salary/month (incl. net fees): ~ 2150
  • Netto compensation: 164 per month
  • 13th month (full? partial?): full
  • Meal vouchers: €6/d
  • Ecocheques: €250/y
  • Salary car/bike and/or fuel card: Yes
  • Group insurance (% employer): -
  • Other insurances: Hospitalisation
  • Other benefits (bonuses, stocks options, ... ): -


  • City/region of work: Flanders
  • Distance home-work (km's/time): 35 min
  • How do you commute? Salary car
  • How is the travel home-work compensated: 100% (fuel card)
  • Telework days/week: Yes, 2 days


  • How easy can you plan a day off: 1 week beforehand
  • Is your job stressful? Sometimes, yes, a lot of responsibility. Team planning, scrum, stand-ups, sprint meetings, company meetings...
  • Education possibilities: Available, but there is no time
  • Responsible for personnel (reports): -

Started with 2650 bruto, which was a low ball offer, but the company seemed nice. The owners promised evaluation meetings, but they never came. The only thing they did, was raising my fuel card from 100 to 300. That was a year ago. A few months ago I heard that they saw that as a netto increase of 200, which is bs. I just told them before that 100 was not enough to go to the office 3 days a week.

I started in January 2022 as a fullstack developer. In April that year, I was the only dev left so I learned everything and said that I wanted to be teamlead and coach people. A few devs came, and the responsibilities started piling in. I asked my CTO to evaluate my current salaray package, because I was still paid as a fullstack dev (non lead). The evaluation never came.

In January 2023 my bruto wage did go up to 2850 because of the indexation. I told my bosses that this was not a raise, but they were very defensive about this and gave me a lot of shit.

A few months later, the founders sold the company and now I brought the same thing up with the new bosses. The new bosses were collegues of mine, so I asked for an evaluation again. They said it will take 3 months, because the previous bosses decided everything on a gut feeling.

Meanwhile we are merged with a different company and I have to train those guys as well... The company is doing very well, and we were promised that our salary would grow with it, but you know how that's ended

I know that I'm severly underpaid, but what do you think my salary should be? I like the work and my colleagues, but I feel like quitting. I'm not threated with respect when I ask about a wage increase.

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