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  • Age: 40
  • Education: University (ingénieur civil, electromechanics/energy)
  • Work Experience : 17
  • Civil status: single
  • Dependent children (Kinderen ten laste/enfants à charge): none

2. TYPE OF CONTRACT: Civil servant

  • Current job title/description: "Ingénieur civil" working on data and innovation
  • (Ancienniteit/Anciennité): 15
  • Official hours/week : 40 Real hours/week
  • Real hours: ~41 including transport


  • Gross wage (brut): 8056
  • Net wage (incl. net fees): ~4250
  • 13th month (full? partial?): no
  • Mobile phone? Laptop?: phone, tablet, laptop
  • Meal vouchers: for each day worked 6,0 €
  • Ecocheques: 250 €
  • Group Insurance (% part employer): no but public servant's pension
  • Hospitalisation Insurance: yes but single room in optional.
  • Other advantages (bonus, 14th month, stocks...): bonuses on some months, free 1st class travel vouchers around Europe, own mutual insurance, gym at the office, job safety, interesting projects


  • City/region of work: Charleroi
  • Distance home-work (km's): 7
  • Distance home-work (time): 12’ by car, 25’ by bike
  • Do you need your own car?: yes
  • How is the travel home-work compensated: bike to work, travel slightly reimbursed when on a mission
  • Company car/-bike (what's the budget, do you have fuel card?): no but free train (1st class Benelux), 50% on other public transport, €0,25 per km if you commute by bike.


  • Amount of official holidays: 24
  • (ADV, RTT) : 13
  • Other extra holidays: 13
  • How easy can you plan a day off: real time with an app.
  • Shiftwork or daytime job? Daytime
  • Flexible working hours: yes
  • Amount of stress (standby for troubles at work)?: low except the pressure I put on myself.
  • How often does overtime happens: sometimes when on a deadline or "in the flow"
  • Education possibilities: a lot internally (company has own internal academy) and externally (I followed 2 "executive masters": certificates given by universities)
  • Teleworking (besides corona-period): max 2 days / week (more allowed occasionally)
  • Responsibility for personnel: external devs
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