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  • Age: 35
  • Education: High School
  • Work experience : 20 years (since i'm 15 i'm working)
  • Civil status: Single
  • Dependent people/children: None


  • Sector/Industry: Petrochem
  • Amount of employees: 70k
  • Multinational? Yes


  • Current job title: Maintenance Coordinator
  • Seniority: 6 month, before that I would be an onsite IT tech
  • Official hours/week : 38,5 Real hours/week
  • Average real hours/week incl. overtime: 40
  • Shiftwork or 9 to 5 (flexible?): 8 to 16.30
  • On-call duty: Whole week every now and then
  • Vacation days/year: 38


  • Gross salary/month: 3950
  • Average net salary/month (incl. net fees): No idea (i'm still interim, contract starts 2 of october)
  • Netto compensation: 0
  • 13th month (full? partial?): Full
  • Meal vouchers: 8 EURO
  • Ecocheques: Yes 250
  • Salary car/bike and/or fuel card: No
  • Group insurance (% employer): DKV Hospital, healthcare and teeth
  • Other insurances: Group insurance
  • Other benefits (bonuses, stocks options, ... ): None


  • City/region of work: Brussels
  • Distance home-work (km's/time): 30minutes to 1 hour
  • How do you commute? Public transportation
  • How is the travel home-work compensated: 0,54 km with car
  • Telework days/week: 1 day a week, in 6 months review again for 2 a week (at interview it was promised me for 2 days a week, but as interim, I've told them i'll come in everyday till a contract to better know the people and such)


  • How easy can you plan a day off: Hardly, I'm alone in my position and we should be 3. 1 got fired my first week, the other one left the company in August
  • Is your job stressful? Yes
  • Education possibilities: None internally, proposed to pay for some courses if it helps the job
  • Responsible for personnel (reports): yes 8 technicians I have to plan, manage absences, their problem on the field, restock their material

For more information. I was supposed to help out a team composed of 2 coordinators already. 1 got fired the first week, the other one left in August after 3 years of service in that position.

I manage 8, soon 9, technicians for our thousands of customers in Flanders and Brussels. Plan some maintenance work on our installations, and sometimes repair jobs. Plan them for projects by our engineering team and for new customers.

It's been 6 months and my team of technicians are really nice and helpful. Coming from the IT world, I had a hard time understanding all the mechanical and chemical terms, but after 6 months, I'm getting much better understanding their language and customer issues.

Not only do I plan their work, but I'm also the point of contact for all the company services that needs technical help at customers. Engineering, bulk, transportation, Assets team, Sales team. So overall, I'm like a Swiss knife and need to know everything and everyone.

I'm also the point of contact for all our customers that have our installations, and it's a lot, and every months new ones adding themselves to the list.

This week my CDI got made, and nothing about it is negotiable as it's a Barema salary.

They put my barema as category 2, which is "simple administration", but as you can read, I do much more than just simple administration. I need knowledge of all the pieces we need for my technicians, order and keep track with all our suppliers, pay the bills (which I have more than thousands in these last 6 months).

I should stay 4 to 5 years so they can review my barema category. Only Age and Diploma's would change my salary, nothing else

Don't get me wrong, I know my salary is not good, but it's the same my interim is paying me right now. Should I sign the contract? Should I stay there or should I look somewhere else too.

Also, my manager is a psycho and as the management changed, the promises they made before I entered as interim, now are all cancelled.

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