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I have an offer to change jobs and i would like some input. I know that I have to make this choice myself, but I would like to hear the experience / opinion of other people. Maybe someone here has experience working with "vlaanderen connect" and maybe" VLAOI". Would greatly appreciate some input on this employer if possible. I don't find much (no glassdoor reviews) so i hope to get some information here :) (PB is fine if you don't want to answer here).


  • Age: 33
  • Education: Master
  • Work experience : 10
  • Civil status: Legal cohabitation
  • Dependent people/children: None


  • Sector/Industry: Public Sector (vastbenoemd ambtenaar) => Indefinite contract "vlaanderen connect => VLAOI"
  • Multinational? No


  • Current job title: middle management => project manager
  • Seniority: 8y
  • Official hours/week : 38 Real hours/week
  • Average real hours/week incl. overtime: /
  • Shiftwork or 9 to 5 (flexible?): flexibile can choose freely
  • On-call duty: /
  • Vacation days/year: 38 => 28 days


  • Gross salary/month: 5142 => 6100
  • Average net salary/month (incl. net fees): 3083
  • Netto compensation: 50 => 125
  • 13th month (full? partial?): Partial => full
  • Meal vouchers: 6 EUR => 7 EUR
  • Ecocheques: 200/year => NO
  • Salary car/bike and/or fuel card: No => mobility budget 810 EUR per month
  • Group insurance (% employer): no (ambtenarenpensioen) => 4%
  • Other insurances: Yes, hospitalisation including children for a really low price.
  • Other benefits (bonuses, stocks options, ... ): no => yearly bonus of 6.66% tot 8% of wage (so about +- 4800 bruto a year minimum)


  • City/region of work: Brugge => Brussels
  • Distance home-work (km's/time): 40 minutes car => 2 hours (train + going to station/work)
  • How do you commute? car => train
  • How is the travel home-work compensated: none => train paid by work
  • Telework days/week: 60% in a year choose freely (1 day a week at office) => 3days /weeks


  • How easy can you plan a day off: Easily
  • Is your job stressful? yes => no idea
  • Education possibilities: A lot internally
  • Responsible for personnel (reports): yes => no


Salary: 3130 net => +- 3525 + a bonus of minimum 3150 net a year + 810 mobility budget ( about 610 EUR is netto put into my morgage, the rest is for the train.

so everyhing put together: i would got from 3130 => to 4395 EUR (can be more depending on bonus)

- 10 days less holiday and more commute for 2 days a week.
- Instead of a civil servant's pension (2750 net/month) when i'm 63. an employee's pension (estimated 1900 net/month) and 2nd pillar of 4% (no idea how much this avarage gives at the end of a career..)
-less job security (civil servant => Indefinite contract

Tough choice..

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