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  • Age: 25

  • Education: Hogeschool

  • Work experience : 4 years (some part-time)

  • Civil status: Single

  • Dependent people/children: 0


  • Sector/Industry: Private

  • Amount of employees: ~50

  • Multinational? No


  • Current job title: Software Developer

  • Seniority: 4 years

  • Official hours/week : 40h/week

  • Average real hours/week incl. overtime: 38h/week

  • Shiftwork or 9 to 5 (flexible?): 9 to 5

  • On-call duty: No

  • Vacation days/year: 20 + 12 ADV + 5 through cafetaria plan


  • Gross salary/month: 3500

  • Average net salary/month (incl. net fees): 2500

  • Netto compensation: 0

  • 13th month (full? partial?): Full

  • Meal vouchers: 8€

  • Ecocheques: Yes

  • Salary car/bike and/or fuel card: No (I don't drive)

  • Group insurance (% employer): Yes

  • Other insurances: Hospitalisation insurance, ambulant care insurance

  • Other benefits (bonuses, stocks options, ... ): Cafetaria plan


  • City/region of work: Antwerp

  • Distance home-work (km's/time): 10 minutes

  • How do you commute? Walking

  • How is the travel home-work compensated: No

  • Telework days/week: 2/week


  • How easy can you plan a day off: Very easily

  • Is your job stressful? Not really

  • Education possibilities: No

  • Responsible for personnel (reports): No

Wondering how my current compensation package compares based on my profile. I think it's on the lower end but would like to get second and third opinions. I have some more years of experience as an IT intern working in different types of projects (C#, PHP, even COBOL) from when I was a University student for a degree that I didn't get in the end.

At my current company I've been working since before graduating and I'm far from a senior profile, but because it's a young company, having been here for 4 years affords me a high degree of independence and I feel like I have a large impact in shaping the product and get to work on what I like/what I'm best at. I like the team but I get bored sometimes and I wonder if there's something better out there. Sometimes I also feel like I've hit a 'ceiling' at this company because while I've learned a lot at the beginning, these days I just do more of the same which kind of sucks so early in my career, and I think I would develop more skills/have more room to grow in a larger team. I haven't voiced these concerns to my employer (I wonder if I even should?)

I stand to lose some netto next year because I still have auteursrechten, so looking at my compensation package I wonder if there's something that's worth trying to negotiate or if it's time to jump ship

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