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I'm currently a software engineer specializing in back-end, but doing some front-end every now and then. I decided to internally switch to a Tech Lead role, which I was honestly wanting to grow towards. The problem is that when switching, HR doesn't let you renegotiate salary for the new contract, which is a bit ridiculous imo. It has to be brought up and decided seperately with the new manager and discussed with him. There are salary ranges though depending on the type of job you do. Which means that going to a Tech Lead role switches me to a new salary range, and it increases my salary by about 100 euros gross.

Now to the issue at hand, which isn't necessarily that big of a deal, but I want to make the best of it: I already signed the new contract with that 100 euro increase to the new salary range. I decided a bit fast as I really wanted that position, but I also still want to discuss with my new manager the possibility of getting a salary bump when I start at the beginning of next year. How should I handle this, and what kind of salary bump should I even expect when moving to that kind of position in the first place?


  • Age: 27
  • Education: Bachelors in College
  • Work experience : 4 years as Java Software Engineer
  • Civil status: Single
  • Dependent people/children: None


  • Sector/Industry: Insurance
  • Amount of employees: A few thousand in Brussels, over 100k worldwide
  • Multinational? Yes


  • Current job title: Software Engineer
  • Seniority: 4 yrs
  • Official hours/week : 35 Real hours/week
  • Average real hours/week incl. overtime: also 35
  • Shiftwork or 9 to 5 (flexible?): flexible
  • On-call duty: No
  • Vacation days/year: 36


  • Gross salary/month: around 4200 => 4300
  • Average net salary/month (incl. net fees): around 2700
  • Netto compensation: 0
  • 13th month (full? partial?): full
  • Meal vouchers: 6,3 euro/day
  • Ecocheques: 250 euro/year
  • Salary car/bike and/or fuel card: No
  • Group insurance (% employer): Yes
  • Other insurances: Yes, hospitalisation
  • Other benefits (bonuses, stocks options, ... ): None


  • City/region of work: Brussels
  • Distance home-work (km's/time): 1 hour
  • How do you commute? Bus & Train
  • How is the travel home-work compensated: It's paid for
  • Telework days/week: 4 days/week


  • How easy can you plan a day off: Very easily
  • Is your job stressful? Not at all
  • Education possibilities: A lot internally
  • Responsible for personnel (reports): No => Not either, responsible for technology decisions, but not people manager
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