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  • Age: 30
  • Education: master Biology + teachers degree
  • Work experience : 6
  • Civil status: unmarried
  • Dependent people/children: 0


  • Sector/Industry: education
  • Amount of employees: My school +- 50 employees, +- 500 students
  • Multinational? no


  • Current job title: teacher
  • Job description: Biology teacher 4/5 ASO, math 3 ASO
  • Seniority: 5 years (pay scale 501)
  • Official hours/week : 21 teaching hours
  • Average real hours/week incl. overtime: During lessonweeks 40-50, holidays during the year +-10, between July and half of August 0. During the first 3 years I often did over 70 hours during lessonweeks
  • Shiftwork or 9 to 5 (flexible?): 21h/weeks that are fixed, I have 2 afternoons 'free' (wednesday included). This makes this job somewhat flexibel during the lessonweeks.
  • On-call duty: No
  • Vacation days/year: 70 (1wk Herfst, 2wk Kerst, 1wk Krokus, 2wk Paas, 8wk Zomer = 14wk = 14*5 = 70). During the holidays in the year I work around 10h/wk.


  • Gross salary/month: €4.238/month
  • Net salary/month: €2.692/month (including net compensation)
  • Netto compensation: €20 internet compensation
  • Mobility budget/car/bike/...: bicycle allowance €0.21/km
  • 13th month (full? partial?): partial, €1.968 brut - €949 net + holiday pay in May of €3.647 brut - €1.688 net
  • Meal vouchers: 0
  • Ecocheques: 0
  • Group insurance: 0
  • Other insurances: 0
  • Other benefits (bonuses, stocks options, ... ): I do quite alot of trips with the students. I've been to Paris, Serbia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Aken, ... This year we'll go to Romania


  • City/region of work: East-Flanders
  • Distance home-work: 27km
  • How do you commute? Speedelec, I sold my car
  • How is the travel home-work compensated: €0.21/km bicycle allowance, for me it's around €200/month
  • Telework days/week: 0


  • How easily can you plan a day off: With a very good personal reason quite easily, if not impossible.
  • Is your job stressful? During the first 3/4 years it was quite stressful due to the huge workload,'klasmanagment', learning how to teach, ... After 5 years quite unstressful (although some colleagues are "stresskiekens"). Working with teens (15-17 year olds) can sometimes cause conflicts due to alot of reasons. There are no boring days in education...
  • Responsible for personnel (reports): Not for personnel, but for the students.
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